At Southwest Rehabilitation speech therapy in Coos Bay and North Bend we always have something fun planned for the members of our community. Check out what is going on this month!
Summer Speech Therapy with Southwest Rehabilitation
Summer break is almost here! For many students who receive speech/language services, the break from school also means a break in treatment. Summer speech therapy may be just what your child needs to help build upon and carryover their skills when school is not in session. During summer break, parents can help their children maintain communication skills learned during the school year. Sessions are one-on-one with a certified speech pathologist and helps promote generalization to different therapists/environments and maintenance of skills and strategies learned in school-based speech therapy. At Southwest Rehabilitation, each session is individualized and targets goals specific to [...]
The Didgeridoo Club
The Didgeridoo Club The Didigeridoo Club meets the 1st, 2nd, and 4th Thursday of each month at 3:30. It’s a great activity for sleep apnea and respiratory impaired individuals. Exercise and socialize at the same time!
The Coos Bay Stroke Club
The Coos Bay Stroke Club Members of the Coos Bay Stroke Club meet the third Thursday of each month at 3:30 at our office. We have speakers from the community present information helpful to stroke patients, family, and friends.