Spaced-Retrieval (SR) is a memory intervention that gives individuals practice at successfully recalling information over progressively longer intervals of time. The ultimate goal is for the individual to retain important information for very long periods. Therapists can use Spaced-Retrieval (SR) to attain treatment goals by helping individuals to remember compensatory strategies such as using a schedule, swallowing safely, using a
daily calendar, and/or using a piece
of adaptive equipment. There are two types of goals when applying the concept of Spaced-Retrieval (SR). One is fact retrieval and the other strategy learning. Fact retrieval is remembering names, locations, dates, or the name of objects. Strategy learning is teaching the use of a memory book, calendar, activity, agenda, name tags, or procedures . Spaced-Retrieval (SR) can be used to teach safety and ambulation techniques, or to reduce anxiety by providing the answer to a repetitive question. The intention is that by facilitating goal attainment in therapy and retention of new information, persons with memory impairment may be more independent, happier,

and more productive.