Auditory Integration Therapy (AIT) by Berard

Some children have difficulty with processing information through the auditory channel, especially those with a history of ear infections, the autistic population, and children with learning disabilities. Auditory Integration Therapy (AIT) by Berard is a 10 day program that  helps reorganize the brain to improve auditory and sensory processing capabilities. Participants use headphones to comfortably […]

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Infant Stimulation/Early Language

Language means putting our thoughts into words; ie., talking. Sometimes children are slow to talk or at risk of having talking problems because of an illness or injury. Our program provides a lot of activities to practice talking and…

2021-09-08T21:31:53+00:00Comments Off on Infant Stimulation/Early Language

Fiberendoscopic Evaluations of Swallow

A flexible endoscope is a machine that consists of a long tube and a camera. During this examination the device is passed through one of your nasal passages to the back of the throat where passage of food and drink can be observed.

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Videostroboscopic Evaluation of Voice

Videostroboscopy is a state-of-the-art technique that provides a magnified, slow-motion view of your vocal cords in action. It enables physicians to make an accurate diagnosis of conditions and diseases of the vocal cords, including masses or lesions, abnormal motion, inflammation, broken blood vessels, scarring and other disorders.

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Modified Barium Swallow

A modified barium swallow (MBS) is a special x-ray that allows the doctor, called a radiologist who specializes in using x-rays, to check problems and the Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) to identify why you have trouble swallowing.

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Augmentative Communication

Augmentative communication is an alternative way to help people with problems speaking. Devices such as computers or hand held devices can be ordered through your insurance company. Picture communication systems can also be made for those that can not operate a commuter. It is truly amazing the technology that is available today!

2021-09-08T21:31:53+00:00Comments Off on Augmentative Communication

Motor Speech Disorders

Sometimes children know what they want to say, but can’t move their mouth well enough for the sounds/words to come out clearly. Our therapist can evaluate the muscles of the mouth and, based upon the results, come up with an exercise program and/or strategies to improve speech sound production.

2021-09-08T21:31:53+00:00Comments Off on Motor Speech Disorders

Cognitive Therapy

After a head injury, thinking and problem solving can be affected. These skills are often referred to as executive functioning; planning, forethought, reasoning, remembering, sequencing, etc. Our therapists are skilled in evaluating cognitive skills and then developing a treatment plan to help your child get back on track.

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Swallowing Therapy

The goals of swallowing therapy are to reduce food and or liquids from going down the air pipe, make it easier to eat and swallow, and help your child get the nutrition he/she needs to stay healthy. Sometimes young children have problems graduating from the bottle to foods. Or the foods they eat are limited to only a few things.

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Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Treatment

Lessac Madsen Resonant Voice Treatment program is perfect for children with a hoarse vocal quality. It is a step-by-step program perfect used to teach youngsters how to use their voice without having to strain.

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