SWR Blog
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Feeding Problem or Just a Picky Eater?
Identifying a feeding problem is not easy. There is neither an accepted definition nor classification system. What is accepted is the need for early recognition and treatment to prevent simple feeding problems from becoming pervasive or resistant to treatment. Separating a feeding problem from a “picky eater” starts with talking with your pediatrician about your concerns. It’s understandable that a parent may push their child to eat foods when they refuse. If, on the other hand, your child prefers to drink rather than eat, won’t transition from purees to semi solids, coughs or gags, has difficulty moving food around [...]
What is Spaced Retrieval and How Does It Help People with Memory Impairments ?
Spaced-Retrieval (SR) is a memory intervention that gives individuals practice at successfully recalling information over progressively longer intervals of time. The ultimate goal is for the individual to retain important information for very long periods. Therapists can use Spaced-Retrieval (SR) to attain treatment goals by helping individuals to remember compensatory strategies such as using a schedule, swallowing safely, using a daily calendar, and/or using a piece of adaptive equipment. There are two types of goals when applying the concept of Spaced-Retrieval (SR). One is fact retrieval and the other strategy learning. Fact retrieval is remembering names, locations, dates, or the [...]
Summer Speech Therapy with Southwest Rehabilitation
Summer break is almost here! For many students who receive speech/language services, the break from school also means a break in treatment. Summer speech therapy may be just what your child needs to help build upon and carryover their skills when school is not in session. During summer break, parents can help their children maintain communication skills learned during the school year. Sessions are one-on-one with a certified speech pathologist and helps promote generalization to different therapists/environments and maintenance of skills and strategies learned in school-based speech therapy. At Southwest Rehabilitation, each session is individualized and targets goals specific to [...]
How Can Playing the Didgeridoo Help?
Do you, or someone you know, have sleep apnea ? If so, then the Didgeridoo Club might just be for you! Beginners to more advanced club members meet once a month to learn the basics about playing the Didgeridoo. We listen to famous Didgeridoo players and break down the different steps required to achieve a circular breathing pattern. According to research in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Magazine, tongue and pharyngeal muscles used while playing the didgeridoo reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. Playing the didgeridoo is also helpful to those who have a respiratory ailment or a [...]
Summer Speech Therapy for School-Aged Children
Summer break is almost here! For many students who receive speech/language services, the break from school also means a break in treatment. Summer speech therapy may be just what a child needs to help build upon and carryover their skills when school is not in session. During summer break, parents can help their children maintain communication skills learned during the school year. Sessions are one-on-one with a certified speech pathologist and helps promote generalization to different therapists/environments and maintenance of skills and strategies learned in school-based speech therapy. Each session is individualized and targets goals specific to the child’s needs. [...]
What is Myofascial Release and Why is it Beneficial?
When patients come to our office with complaints of pain with voice or swallowing, the first question asked, “Is it a sore throat or muscle pain?” A sore throat is usually an indication of a virus, bacterial infection or irritation from acid refluxed from the stomach and treatable. With muscle pain, however, the use of myofascial release has become an accepted method of treatment. “When we place our hands on a patient and move them in a certain manner, pain will often lessen and function will often improve,” states Waltz Fritz, P.T. In his course, “Myofascial Release for Voice and Swallowing [...]
Speech Pathologists Address Reading Delay in School-Aged Children
According to the 2015 National Assessment of Education Progress, 31% of the 4th graders and 24% of 8th graders demonstrate “below basic” reading skills. These students are said to have difficulty with inferences, understanding new words in text and drawing conclusions from what is read. As a result, these students have a high risk of dropping out of school. And as adults, reading difficulties results in lower wages, a significantly higher risk of chronic health conditions, hospitalizations and health care costs, (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2011). Given the complexity of reading as a whole, a multidimensional [...]